Saturday 26 February 2011

The Breakfast Club

It is similar to other teen movies i have seen cause most of them have the girl who acts as a princess, a guy whos a jock, a nerd, a freak and the bad boy, most teen films i have seen have them kind of people.
The Breakfast club had romance in it and all teen films have romance.

The Breakfast Club is a collection of  high school students who are attending a saturday detentionfor their indeiscretions. The movie introduces us to characters as the steriotupes that each student consider the other as the nerd, the princess, the jock, the rebel and the freak and also introduced to the steriotype of the mean controlling overbearing teacher.

Whilst in detention, Mr Vernon gives the students a simple assigment. They must write an essay about "who you think you are." each student has a good idea of who the other students are. Yet, through several discussions and arguments they learn that they are more alike then what it had seemed. The rebel John Bender focuses his anger at the princess Claire and jock Andrew. He hates that they have such good lives but in reality Claire wantss her parants to give a damn about her and Andrew wishes he was able to stand up to his controlling father. John Claire and andrew all think that the nerd brian is the "perfect son" and doesn't have the same problems as them. Allisons problems seem to be more self created for attention from her parents.
Each student has their own problems.
The Breakfast club is a good movie i recomend seeing it i would rate it 9/10 or 4 and a half stars out of 5

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