Thursday 24 February 2011

the breakfast club

Brian is a nerdy guy that try's to keep the peace between everyone at the start of the film.
He is a nice quiet guy that is trying to fit in, he feels pressured to do well at school and that if he doesn't he will get in trouble.
He took a gun to school and was going to kill himself but he couldn't do it and thats why he was in detention.

At the start of the film allison is a girl who is a bit of a freak, she steals stuff from people around her,, she is also a compulsive liar. She says that her parents ignore her and never pay any attention to her, she is not very attractive but once she gets a make over she is quite good looking, at the end of the film her and Andrew are seen kissing. She was in detention because she had nothing else better to do.

Claire is the princessy girl who gets what ever she wants when ever she wants, she dose not really like who she is.
She says she has to feel sorry for herself because if she doesn't nobody else will. her parents use her to get back at each other, she was in detention because she left during school hours to go to detention.
Claire was seen kissing john at the end of the film.

Andrew is the jock, he was in detention for taping someones buns together.
He has a bad relation ship with his dad because he puts alot of pressure on him that he has to win all the time, at the end of the movie he is kissing Allison.

John is a bad boy, his dad dosn't treat him very good he belts him, because of the way he was treats him he is bad at school and dose not treat the teachers very good.
At the end of the film he ends up with Claire.

Claire wore a pink shirt with a skirt and boots, she had diamond ear rings.

Allison wore black cloths, a black jacket and top aswell as skirt that was black, after her make over she was wearing bright coloured cloths and a head band pulling her hair out of her face.

Brian was wearing a green sweater and skin coloured pants.

Andrew was wearing a jacket , a blue tracksuit and a hoody.

John was wearing jeans, jacket, fingureless gloves a flannelette shirt with another shirt underneath it.

At the start of the film they don't really get along.
They think each other are losers and don't really like each other, towards they end of the film they start to get to know each other and they start getting along and find they have some stuff in common.
Claire and john start dating and so do Allison and Andrew.

The plot of the breakfast club is 5 kids in detention that are all completely different from each other and learn that they all have stuff in common and then they all become friends.

This film is set in high school.
The sub settings are the libary, the teachers office, the halls of the school carpark and also kind of the football feild.

In this movie they would use happy music that the characters danced too.
It was music used in funny parts of the movie.

Some of the issues raised in this film were depression, bullying, family life, friendship and being different.

They are similar to other teen films with all the characters and some of the issues, all teen movies have the girl who acts like a princess,

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, Blog looks great! The photos in the top post are effective!
    What abut the last Q which is a film review??
