Pre production:
in the pre production i helped make the condoms, i got my costume for my scenes, i helped set up the camera, helped with the storey board and some other stuff.
in the production i acted out my scenes in the be kind rewind.
Post production:
i helped edit the film am put the music in and all of that stuff
10 media kyle wright
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Be Kind Rewind
Ghost Busters: tin foil, a dress, fishing wire, glasses, red paper with a whold in it, vacum cleaner, tincil, torch with plastic bag, slime, cardboard T.V, photocopied face.

Rush Hour 2: voice for sound effects, suits, dressing gown as dress, chinese dress.

The Lion King: Materiel as lions and material fot the backround.
Robo Cop: Metal costume, hairdrier gun, fork lift.

Driving Miss Daisy: suit, hats, dress, wooden crosses for cemetery.

When We Were Kings: cape, shorts, foam under plastic bag, basball bat.
2001 a Space Odysy: tyers, fridge, welding helmet.
King Kong: toy truck on mouth.
Carrie: ketchup as blood.
Men in Black: toy cars, wire
Fats Waller was born here: mashed potato snow, cardboard cars, tin foil gun.
Ghost Busters: tin foil, a dress, fishing wire, glasses, red paper with a whold in it, vacum cleaner, tincil, torch with plastic bag, slime, cardboard T.V, photocopied face.
Rush Hour 2: voice for sound effects, suits, dressing gown as dress, chinese dress.
The Lion King: Materiel as lions and material fot the backround.
Robo Cop: Metal costume, hairdrier gun, fork lift.
Driving Miss Daisy: suit, hats, dress, wooden crosses for cemetery.

When We Were Kings: cape, shorts, foam under plastic bag, basball bat.
2001 a Space Odysy: tyers, fridge, welding helmet.
King Kong: toy truck on mouth.
Carrie: ketchup as blood.
Men in Black: toy cars, wire
Fats Waller was born here: mashed potato snow, cardboard cars, tin foil gun.

Monday, 28 February 2011
- chick flick
- popularity
- new kids
- helping
- parties
- homosexuality
- driving
- debating
- shopping
- boyfriends
- main character
- superfical issues
- time structerd
- made in 96
- bullying
- family issues
- 80s film
- 5 characters
- getting to know each other
- unique
- family back round
- lots of emotions
- saturday
- same setting
- becoming friends
- each other
- high school
- romance
- social groups
- issues
- making friends
- bossy parents
- princessy girl
- reputation
- sex
- dramatic
- fitting in
- stereotype
- teen experience
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Cher and her friend Dionne are the popular girls in school, they plaset two teachers up . Cher takes Tai under her wingsing she is completly clueless. She trys to find Tai a Boyfriend and whilst doing that she realizes she wants a boyfriend herslf but nobody seems right for her.
This is simalar to other teen films i have watched because its about a young popular teenager who is self senterd and thinks the world revolves around her, it has the same romance and simalar problems.
Clueless is a typical teen film it has the same story line as many teen films do about the young popular girl at high school, it captured teenage life pretty well even though it's 16 years old it is the same stuffs teenagers deal with today, i give it 7/10
Cher and her friend Dionne are the popular girls in school, they plaset two teachers up . Cher takes Tai under her wingsing she is completly clueless. She trys to find Tai a Boyfriend and whilst doing that she realizes she wants a boyfriend herslf but nobody seems right for her.
This is simalar to other teen films i have watched because its about a young popular teenager who is self senterd and thinks the world revolves around her, it has the same romance and simalar problems.
Clueless is a typical teen film it has the same story line as many teen films do about the young popular girl at high school, it captured teenage life pretty well even though it's 16 years old it is the same stuffs teenagers deal with today, i give it 7/10
The genre of this film is teen/comedy/romance/chick flick. In teen films there are ussually romance comedy and arguments.
1. The Breakfast Club
2. Grease
3. American Pie
4. Mean Girls
5.Easy A
Cher is the main character in this film, she is a young teenange girl who lives with her dad, her mother died when she was young, She was named after a famous singer from the 60s.
She is popular, rich, hot she thinks the world evolves around her, she is best friends with Dionne and at the end of the film she is dateing her step from Josh.

The genre of this film is teen/comedy/romance/chick flick. In teen films there are ussually romance comedy and arguments.
1. The Breakfast Club
2. Grease
3. American Pie
4. Mean Girls
5.Easy A
Cher is the main character in this film, she is a young teenange girl who lives with her dad, her mother died when she was young, She was named after a famous singer from the 60s.
She is popular, rich, hot she thinks the world evolves around her, she is best friends with Dionne and at the end of the film she is dateing her step from Josh.
Dionne is Cher's best friend, They are alot alike they are bestfriends "because they both know what its like for everyone to be jealous of them".
Tai is the new girl in the film, she is a tom boy until Cher and Dionne see her and say she is "Completly clueless." so they give her a makeover and change her personality into one of them.
She is interested in Travis but Cher tells her to stay away from him and trys setting her up with Elton but he isnt interested in her. She also shows a bit of an interest in josh but it dosn't last very long.
At the end of the film she is dateing Travis.
Josh's mum and was married to Cher's dad but they broke up but josh still continues to go stay at their house.
He is a colledge Student.
Murray is Dionnes boyfriend, he and Dionne seem to fight a fair bit until their experince on the freeway.
In one scene Murray is getting his head shaved to "keep it real" until Dionne calls up his mum to tell her
about it.
Elton is a young rich kid that seems to show an interest in Tai but is accually interested in Cher and says that he couldnt date tai because in other words he is too good for her.
He trys to make a move on Cher but she pulls away and dosen't like him in that way and gets out of the car expecting him to say sorry and stuff and try convince her to get back in the car but he just drives off.
Elton is a bit of a Jerk in this film.
Travis is a kid that goes to the same school as all of the others, he is often tardy to class and dosent like school very much, he is often seen riding a skate board, he shows a love interest in Tai and helps her out when she hurts her head at the party but Tai is told not to date guys like that.
At the end of the film the two characters are dateing.
Mal is Cher's dad he is bossy and controlling and seems to not have any time for his daughter since he is always busy going through papers from work, he is rich.
He has had been married twice from what we have seen in the film, his first wife was Cher's mum (deceaced) and his second wife now ex-wife josh's mum.
Mr Hall is a short old funny looking man who is a teacher at Cher's school, he gives her a C on her report card but she sets him and Miss Geist up so he gets happier and gives her a better grade on her school work.
Cher and Dionne set up Mr Hall and Miss Geist and they start dateing and then at the end of the film the old couple get married.
Miss Geist is a teacher at the school Cher attends, she is a lady that isnt very fashionable but then Cher and Dionne give her a little makeover and set her up with mr Hall.
In this film Cher starts of a a young rich girl that dosn't care about anyone but herself, she is really self absorbed, she starts to take notice of others like helping to teachers find love with in eachother and helping tai get friends instead of just thinking eww what a nerd or something like that.
she devolps into a nice young mature women.
Dionne is also a young self absorbed rich girl that thinks the world evolves around her, she dosen't change much in the film, she does start to be more considerent of others and not just think about herself, sure she did also help Mr Hall and Miss Geist fall inlove but at the end of the movie she still seems as if her needs come before anyone else.
Tai probably devolpes more then anyone else in this movie, she starts off as the new girl who is a tom boy and ian't into girly stuff that much at all but she develops into a girl like Cher and Dionne just not as much self absorbed, then she developes back into the girl she was before exept keeps the same fashion sense.
I dont really believe that Josh devolped into anyone different from the start of the film.
He was always the nice guy that cared about other and new the world didn't evolve around him.
Cher was wearing fancy expensive brand cloths all through the film.
She wore dresses, skirts, tops, jackets, high heal shoes and all that kind of stuff and was ussually bright cloulers.
Dionne pretty much wore the same cloths as Cher, expensive dresses, shoes, jackets and all that and was ussually black and red coulers.
Tai first wore cloths that seemed more like guy cloths, it was bull coulerd shirts and shorts but then after the makeover she would wear the same kind as stuff as Cher and Dionne, and she would wear overals.
Josh would wear plain cassual cloths like shirts, jeans and jackets.
Murray would wear cloths that where bright and sometimes tracksuites, he was ussually wearing cassual normal clothh.
The plot of clueless as a young teenage girl that is rich and thinks the world evolves around her.
She starts doing stuff for people and relieses that there is more to life then just being a young popular rich girl who gets what ever she wants.
This film is set at Cher's house, the high school, the mall, the house of the party, the club and the gas station where Cher gets mugged.
In this film the kind of music they would use was happy danceing music on funny or happy parts of the movie and sad music when Cher was feeling depressed.
In this movie the issues raid where romance, selfishness,
she devolps into a nice young mature women.
Dionne is also a young self absorbed rich girl that thinks the world evolves around her, she dosen't change much in the film, she does start to be more considerent of others and not just think about herself, sure she did also help Mr Hall and Miss Geist fall inlove but at the end of the movie she still seems as if her needs come before anyone else.
Tai probably devolpes more then anyone else in this movie, she starts off as the new girl who is a tom boy and ian't into girly stuff that much at all but she develops into a girl like Cher and Dionne just not as much self absorbed, then she developes back into the girl she was before exept keeps the same fashion sense.
I dont really believe that Josh devolped into anyone different from the start of the film.
He was always the nice guy that cared about other and new the world didn't evolve around him.
Cher was wearing fancy expensive brand cloths all through the film.
She wore dresses, skirts, tops, jackets, high heal shoes and all that kind of stuff and was ussually bright cloulers.
Dionne pretty much wore the same cloths as Cher, expensive dresses, shoes, jackets and all that and was ussually black and red coulers.
Tai first wore cloths that seemed more like guy cloths, it was bull coulerd shirts and shorts but then after the makeover she would wear the same kind as stuff as Cher and Dionne, and she would wear overals.
Josh would wear plain cassual cloths like shirts, jeans and jackets.
Murray would wear cloths that where bright and sometimes tracksuites, he was ussually wearing cassual normal clothh.
The plot of clueless as a young teenage girl that is rich and thinks the world evolves around her.
She starts doing stuff for people and relieses that there is more to life then just being a young popular rich girl who gets what ever she wants.
This film is set at Cher's house, the high school, the mall, the house of the party, the club and the gas station where Cher gets mugged.
In this film the kind of music they would use was happy danceing music on funny or happy parts of the movie and sad music when Cher was feeling depressed.
In this movie the issues raid where romance, selfishness,
The Breakfast Club
It is similar to other teen movies i have seen cause most of them have the girl who acts as a princess, a guy whos a jock, a nerd, a freak and the bad boy, most teen films i have seen have them kind of people.
The Breakfast club had romance in it and all teen films have romance.
The Breakfast Club is a collection of high school students who are attending a saturday detentionfor their indeiscretions. The movie introduces us to characters as the steriotupes that each student consider the other as the nerd, the princess, the jock, the rebel and the freak and also introduced to the steriotype of the mean controlling overbearing teacher.
Whilst in detention, Mr Vernon gives the students a simple assigment. They must write an essay about "who you think you are." each student has a good idea of who the other students are. Yet, through several discussions and arguments they learn that they are more alike then what it had seemed. The rebel John Bender focuses his anger at the princess Claire and jock Andrew. He hates that they have such good lives but in reality Claire wantss her parants to give a damn about her and Andrew wishes he was able to stand up to his controlling father. John Claire and andrew all think that the nerd brian is the "perfect son" and doesn't have the same problems as them. Allisons problems seem to be more self created for attention from her parents.
Each student has their own problems.
The Breakfast club is a good movie i recomend seeing it i would rate it 9/10 or 4 and a half stars out of 5
The Breakfast club had romance in it and all teen films have romance.
The Breakfast Club is a collection of high school students who are attending a saturday detentionfor their indeiscretions. The movie introduces us to characters as the steriotupes that each student consider the other as the nerd, the princess, the jock, the rebel and the freak and also introduced to the steriotype of the mean controlling overbearing teacher.
Whilst in detention, Mr Vernon gives the students a simple assigment. They must write an essay about "who you think you are." each student has a good idea of who the other students are. Yet, through several discussions and arguments they learn that they are more alike then what it had seemed. The rebel John Bender focuses his anger at the princess Claire and jock Andrew. He hates that they have such good lives but in reality Claire wantss her parants to give a damn about her and Andrew wishes he was able to stand up to his controlling father. John Claire and andrew all think that the nerd brian is the "perfect son" and doesn't have the same problems as them. Allisons problems seem to be more self created for attention from her parents.
Each student has their own problems.
The Breakfast club is a good movie i recomend seeing it i would rate it 9/10 or 4 and a half stars out of 5
Thursday, 24 February 2011
the breakfast club
Brian is a nerdy guy that try's to keep the peace between everyone at the start of the film.
He is a nice quiet guy that is trying to fit in, he feels pressured to do well at school and that if he doesn't he will get in trouble.
He took a gun to school and was going to kill himself but he couldn't do it and thats why he was in detention.
At the start of the film allison is a girl who is a bit of a freak, she steals stuff from people around her,, she is also a compulsive liar. She says that her parents ignore her and never pay any attention to her, she is not very attractive but once she gets a make over she is quite good looking, at the end of the film her and Andrew are seen kissing. She was in detention because she had nothing else better to do.
Claire is the princessy girl who gets what ever she wants when ever she wants, she dose not really like who she is.
She says she has to feel sorry for herself because if she doesn't nobody else will. her parents use her to get back at each other, she was in detention because she left during school hours to go to detention.
Claire was seen kissing john at the end of the film.
Andrew is the jock, he was in detention for taping someones buns together.
He has a bad relation ship with his dad because he puts alot of pressure on him that he has to win all the time, at the end of the movie he is kissing Allison.
John is a bad boy, his dad dosn't treat him very good he belts him, because of the way he was treats him he is bad at school and dose not treat the teachers very good.
At the end of the film he ends up with Claire.
Claire wore a pink shirt with a skirt and boots, she had diamond ear rings.
Allison wore black cloths, a black jacket and top aswell as skirt that was black, after her make over she was wearing bright coloured cloths and a head band pulling her hair out of her face.
Brian was wearing a green sweater and skin coloured pants.
Andrew was wearing a jacket , a blue tracksuit and a hoody.
John was wearing jeans, jacket, fingureless gloves a flannelette shirt with another shirt underneath it.
At the start of the film they don't really get along.
They think each other are losers and don't really like each other, towards they end of the film they start to get to know each other and they start getting along and find they have some stuff in common.
Claire and john start dating and so do Allison and Andrew.
The plot of the breakfast club is 5 kids in detention that are all completely different from each other and learn that they all have stuff in common and then they all become friends.
This film is set in high school.
The sub settings are the libary, the teachers office, the halls of the school carpark and also kind of the football feild.
In this movie they would use happy music that the characters danced too.
It was music used in funny parts of the movie.
Some of the issues raised in this film were depression, bullying, family life, friendship and being different.
They are similar to other teen films with all the characters and some of the issues, all teen movies have the girl who acts like a princess,
Brian is a nerdy guy that try's to keep the peace between everyone at the start of the film.
He is a nice quiet guy that is trying to fit in, he feels pressured to do well at school and that if he doesn't he will get in trouble.
He took a gun to school and was going to kill himself but he couldn't do it and thats why he was in detention.
At the start of the film allison is a girl who is a bit of a freak, she steals stuff from people around her,, she is also a compulsive liar. She says that her parents ignore her and never pay any attention to her, she is not very attractive but once she gets a make over she is quite good looking, at the end of the film her and Andrew are seen kissing. She was in detention because she had nothing else better to do.
Claire is the princessy girl who gets what ever she wants when ever she wants, she dose not really like who she is.
She says she has to feel sorry for herself because if she doesn't nobody else will. her parents use her to get back at each other, she was in detention because she left during school hours to go to detention.
Claire was seen kissing john at the end of the film.
Andrew is the jock, he was in detention for taping someones buns together.
He has a bad relation ship with his dad because he puts alot of pressure on him that he has to win all the time, at the end of the movie he is kissing Allison.
John is a bad boy, his dad dosn't treat him very good he belts him, because of the way he was treats him he is bad at school and dose not treat the teachers very good.
At the end of the film he ends up with Claire.
Claire wore a pink shirt with a skirt and boots, she had diamond ear rings.
Allison wore black cloths, a black jacket and top aswell as skirt that was black, after her make over she was wearing bright coloured cloths and a head band pulling her hair out of her face.
Brian was wearing a green sweater and skin coloured pants.
Andrew was wearing a jacket , a blue tracksuit and a hoody.
John was wearing jeans, jacket, fingureless gloves a flannelette shirt with another shirt underneath it.
At the start of the film they don't really get along.
They think each other are losers and don't really like each other, towards they end of the film they start to get to know each other and they start getting along and find they have some stuff in common.
Claire and john start dating and so do Allison and Andrew.
The plot of the breakfast club is 5 kids in detention that are all completely different from each other and learn that they all have stuff in common and then they all become friends.
This film is set in high school.
The sub settings are the libary, the teachers office, the halls of the school carpark and also kind of the football feild.
In this movie they would use happy music that the characters danced too.
It was music used in funny parts of the movie.
Some of the issues raised in this film were depression, bullying, family life, friendship and being different.
They are similar to other teen films with all the characters and some of the issues, all teen movies have the girl who acts like a princess,
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